Tuesday, March 11th

SKILLS:  15 minutes of skill development. CROSSFIT;  Metcon: 4 rounds for time… 400 meter Run, 6 TGU’s, 10 Toes 2 Bar, 12 Box Jumps, Tuesday, March 11th was last modified: March 10th, 2014 by...

Wednesday, March 12th

STRENGTH:  3x ME Strict Dead Hang Pull-ups METCON:  Then: 12 min AMRAP of… 30 Double Unders, 15 Wall Balls. ON-RAMP Skills: Double Unders/Single Jump Rope/Wall Balls 8 min AMRAP of… 30 Double Unders or 60 Singles 10 Wall Balls Wednesday, March 12th was last...

Thursday, March 13th

SKILLS: 10 min skill work CROSSFIT:  Metcon: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters (65/95) Slam Balls, Sit-ups.   Thursday, March 13th was last modified: March 10th, 2014 by...

Friday, March 14th

CROSSFIT:  14.3 Open ON-RAMP: 14.3 Open Friday, March 14th was last modified: March 10th, 2014 by...

Saturday, March 15th

CROSSFIT 8am Team WOD 9:30- OPEN   Saturday, March 15th was last modified: March 10th, 2014 by...

Athletes/Judges RSVP for the OPEN

Please RSVP for the Open by 5pm Thursday March 6th to infernalopen@gmail.com. Your heat time will be emailed to you and posted to the website and FB. THANK YOU! Athletes/Judges RSVP for the OPEN was last modified: March 4th, 2014 by...

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