Saturday’s Team WOD

ATTENTION: There will only be a 8AM Team WOD during the OPEN. Regular class will resume on April 5th. Thank You. Saturday’s Team WOD was last modified: March 4th, 2014 by...

Monday, March 3rd

STRENGTH:  Deadlift (5-5-5) @ 70%, 75%, 80% of 1RM. CROSSFIT Metcon: EMOM for 20 minutes.. 3 Power Clean & Push Jerks + 3 Back Squats (115/75) Monday, March 3rd was last modified: March 2nd, 2014 by...

Tuesday, March 4th

SKILLS  15 minutes of Skill Development: Muscle-up progressions, handstand work, double-unders, kipping, etc. CROSSFIT Metcon: For time… 75 burpee wall balls. Thank Bonnie...

Wednesday, March 5th

Strength: Front Squat (3-3-3) for total load. * Work up to 3 heavy sets. If you fail to complete 3 reps on final set, count your 3 previous successful sets for your total load.   CROSSFIT: For time; 50m Shuttle Run (25m down and back), 10 KB Snatches (35/53) alt....

Thursday, March 6th

CROSSFIT:  10 Rounds of; 250 meter Row in 1 minute (Women), 300 meter Row in 1 minute (Men). Run in two groups, one group rows while the other group rest, must complete row in one minute. *Each round that you FAIL to complete in 1 min or less, results in 10 burpee...

Friday, March 7th

CROSSFIT:  Open 14.2 TBA ON-RAMP Open 14.2 TBA Friday, March 7th was last modified: March 2nd, 2014 by...

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