Saturday 3/3/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)Open 18.1 Heats: 9:00am-11:30am **SIGN UP IN GYM!! [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Saturday 3/3/2018 was last modified: February 24th, 2018 by...

Friday 3/2/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure)18.2 TBA [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Friday 3/2/2018 was last modified: February 23rd, 2018 by...

Thursday 3/1/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure)A. Spend 15 Minutes working on a skills/movements that is a WEAKNESS that hasn’t been shown in the Open workouts yet B. 20-30 Min EMOM: 1-2) Easy cyclical w/ breathing 3) Squat position “play” (air...

Wednesday 2/28/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure)10 Mins to warm up/practice HSPU and C2BB1: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)1 “tough” UB set of the following: – Deadlift (225/155) Rest 60sB2: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)- HSPU Rest 60sB3: Metcon (AMRAP...

Tuesday 2/27/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (No Measure)10 Mins for OH position/BB Snatch warm up + 6 Min EMOM: – Squat Snatch X 1.1.1 Sets 1-2) Light Sets 3-4) MOD Sets 5-6) Mod-Heavy *focus here is practicing cycling singles like we’ve seen in the past opensB:...

Monday 2/26/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitC= Optional Open 18.2 RETEST *You must arrange for a judge to be there PRIOR to you coming in. Otherwise we cannot guarantee you will have a judge ☺A: Split Jerk10 Mins to warm up OH positions/BB Split Jerk + 6 Min EMOM: – Split...

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