Monday 2/19/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure). 5-10 mins to warm up/practice HSPU + Every 60s for 4 sets: – HSPU X 6-12 (quality focus, try to increase reps from last week)B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)15 min AMRAP with a partner,...

Sunday 2/18/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)Open Gym: 8:30am-10:30am [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Sunday 2/18/2018 was last modified: February 11th, 2018 by...

Saturday 2/17/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)CrossFit: 9am-10am *Coaches Choice [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Saturday 2/17/2018 was last modified: February 10th, 2018 by...

Friday 2/16/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)20 Min AMRAP: – 400m Run Then: 3 Rounds: – 4 DL (225/155) – 6 BF Burpees – 8 Wall Balls (30/20) *complete a 400m run after each 3 rounds is complete Score= TOTAL...

Thursday 2/15/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure)5-10 mins to warm up/practice HSPU Then: Every 60s for 4 Sets: – 5-10 HSPU (quality focus)B: Metcon (Time)For Time: 10-20-30 – Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)- New Standard – 200m DB Carry (switch...

Wednesday 2/14/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure)3 Sets NFT: – 5 Strict Pullups – 10 Pullups (any style) *try to complete UB if possible Rest as neededB: Metcon (Time)For Time w/ Partner: (20 cap) – 4000m Row *partner must complete, then...

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