Tuesday, August 12th

Skills: 10 minutes of skill development (athletes choice). Metcon: 4 rounds of… 10 TNG power cleans (65/95), 10 lateral OTB burpee’s, 20 BW squats. Tuesday, August 12th was last modified: August 10th, 2014 by...

Wednesday, August 13th

Strength: Squat Clean (3-3-3) @ 70%, 75%, 80% of 1RM. Metcon: 12 minute Amrap of… 5 deadlifts (95/135), 7 HSPU’s, 9 C2B pull-ups. ON-RAMP Skills: V-Ups & Front Squats. Metcon: 21 -15 – 9 V-Ups, Front Squats. Wednesday, August 13th was last modified:...

Thursday, August 14th

Skills: 15 ft. rope climb (3 to 5). Metcon: 3 rounds for total reps… 1 minute of box jumps (20/24), 1 minute of KB swings (35/53), 1 minute of butterfly sit-ups, 1 minute of decline push-ups (20/24), 1 minute of goblet squats (35/53), 1 minute of Rest. *...

Friday, August 15th

10 minutes of mobility work. Metcon: 5 rounds for time… 200 meter sandbag carry (20/40), 8 OH Squats (65/95), 12 Knee-to-elbow. ON-RAMP Skills: Parrallette Pass Throughs, Hang Snatch, Box Jumps. Metcon: 4 Rounds for time… 4 Parrallette Pass Throughs, 6 Hang...

Saturday, August 16th

7am to 9am CrossFit Weightlifting Class. 9am Team Wod. 9am Competitors meeting. Saturday, August 16th was last modified: August 10th, 2014 by...

Monday, August 4th

CROSSFIT Strength: Push press (3-3-2-2) @ 75%, 80%, 85%, 90% of 1RM. Metcon: 13 minute AMRAP… 12 box jumps (20/24), 10 KB Snatches (26/35), 8 Knees to elbows. ON-RAMP Skills: Air Squats, Pull-ups, Push-ups Metcon: 500m Row Then… 3 Rounds 20 Air Squats 10...

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