Tuesday, August 5th

CROSSFIT Skills: Muscle Up Progressions. Competitors: Accumulate 8 to 12 muscle ups. String together As many as possible. Metcon: 5 rounds for time… 5 Deadlifts (95/135), 10 HR Push ups, 15 V-ups. Tuesday, August 5th was last modified: August 4th, 2014 by...

Wednesday, August 6th

CROSSFIT Strength: Find 1RM Squat Clean. Metcon: 40 Slam Balls (15/20), 30 Burpee’s, 20 Wall Balls (14/20), 10 TGU’s (26/35), 20 Wall a Balls, 30 Burpee’s, 40 Slamballs. ON-RAMP Skills: Deadlift, Burpee, Sit-Ups Metcon: 10 AMRAP 5 Deadlifts 8 Burpees...

Thursday, August 7th

10 minutes of mobility work. Metcon 5 rounds for time… 300 meter row, 10 toes-to-bar, 30 double unders, 5 Curtis P’s (65/95), 2 minute rest. * Curtis P’s: power clean + right leg lunge + left leg lunge + push press. Thursday, August 7th was last...

Friday, August 8th

CROSSFIT Strength: Strict Ring Dips 3 x (8 to 12) reps. If unable to perform strict rip dips then perform 3 x (5 to 8) eccentric dips. 4 second count with 2 second isometric hold at bottom. Metcon: “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters, Pull ups. 3 minutes rest then, 2...

Saturday, August 9th

CROSSFIT Infernal Weightlifting 7am-9am Crossfit Team- 9am     Saturday, August 9th was last modified: August 4th, 2014 by...

Monday, July 28th

SKILLS: 10 minutes of Double under practice/Muscle up progressions. METCON: “LEDESMA” 20 minute Amrap of… 5 Parallette HSPU’s, 10 Toes Through Rings, 15 Med Ball Cleans (14/20).   Monday, July 28th was last modified: July 27th, 2014 by...

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