Tuesday, March 25th

Skill: 10 mins Skills/Mobility (Pistol review) Metcon: FR.E.A.K (WOD consist of 1st rounds of Fran, Eva, Annie, Kelly) 21 Thrusters (65/95) 21 Pull Ups Run 800m 30 KB Swings (35/53) 30 Pull Ups 50 Double Unders 50 Sit Ups 400m Run 30 Box Jumps (20/24) 30 Wall Balls...

Wednesday, March 26th

Strength: Back Squats (5×5) @50% of 1RM Metcon: 30-25-20-15-10-5 Ring Push-ups 5-10-15-20-25-30 V-ups On-Ramp Review: Squats, Back Squat, Front Squat Metcon: 25-20-15-10-5 Squats 5-10-15-20-25 V-Ups Masters 10 min AMRAP 6 Step Ups 8 Slam Balls 50m Farmer Carry...

Thursday, March 27th

Skills: 10-15 mins Skills/Mobility Metcon: For time: 1000m Row 5 Weighted Burpee’s (25/45) 800m Run 10 Weighted Burpee’s 500m Row 15 Weighted Burpee’s 400m Run 20 Weighted Burpee’s Thursday, March 27th was last modified: March 24th, 2014 by...

Friday, March 28th

CROSSFIT Open 14.5 is for ALL CROSSFITTERS From New to Seasoned. This WOD can be scaled/modified as needed. ON-RAMP We will be doing the Open 14.5 WOD This will be scaled/Modified as needed Masters TBA: Scaled version of 14.5 Friday, March 28th was last modified:...

Saturday, March 29th

Crossfit Team WOD 8 AM Only Crossfit Open: 9:30-12:00pm Stick around for Infernal BBQ Saturday, March 29th was last modified: March 24th, 2014 by...

Monday, March 17th

CROSSFIT  Strength: EMOM for 7 minutes: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch @ 75% of 1RM. Metcon: 17 min AMRAP of… 17 Push Press (65/95), 17  Toes to Bar, 17 Over the bar Burpee’s. ON-RAMP  Review: 10-15 minutes. Metcon: 7 min AMRAP of… 7 Push Press, 7 Knee Tucks from rig,...

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