Wednesday, October 8th

CrossFit/Performance A. TGU–build to a tough single each side. + EMOM for 10 minutes… Odd— 10 KBS (#tough) unbroken. Even– 30 DU/Hurdles. rest 4:00 EMOM for 10 minutes… Odd– 30 sec. Max Sit ups. even–30 sec. Front Leaning...

Thursday, October 9th

CrossFit/Performance A1. DB Split Squat @ 31X1; 6/leg x4/30 sec. rest. A2. RDL @ 3211;6-8 x 4/90 sec. rest. + Row 30 sec. all out/rest walk 2:30 x 4. rest 5:00. Row 30 sec. all out/rest walk 2:30 x 4. *Record meters for each set of 4 separately. Thursday, October 9th...

Friday, October 10th

CrossFit/Performance A. Seated DB Shoulder Press @ 3010;12,10,8,6/30 sec. rest–building. B. DB Hammer Curls @ 2010; 6-8 x 4/90 sec. rest. + 2 Rounds for time… (#moderate wt athlete pick) 20 Alt DB Snatches (10 each), 20 Single Arm DB Push Press (10 each),...

Saturday, October 11th

7am to 9am: CrossFit Weightlifting 9am: CrossFit Partner Wod. Saturday, October 11th was last modified: October 5th, 2014 by...

Monday, Sept 29th

Crossfit Performance: A1. DB/KB Front Rack Step ups; 6/leg x 4/60sec. rest. A2. Pendlay Row 8-10 x 4/90 sec. rest. + EMOM for 10 minutes… odd min. 6 TnG Deadlifts @ 60% of 1RM. even min. 30 DU’s. + EMOM for 10 minutes… odd– 10 Box Jumps...

Tuesday, Sept 30th

Crossfit Performance: A1. Behind Neck BB Standing Press @ 3010; 6-8 x 4/30 sec. rest. A2. DB Hammer Curls @ 3010; 8-10 x 4/30 sec. rest. A3. Anchored Sit ups 20,20,20,20/2:00 rest. + 3 rds each for time (negative splits) 400m Row, 10 DB/KB Clean & Jerks (ground...

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