Pat’s Run Details Sat, 4/26

ANYONE interested in carpooling to Pat’s Run this Sat 4/26 (runner or spectator): Meet at Infernal at 5-5:15am to arrive timely for the start of the race  at 7:05. Team Infernal will have a meet-up point post-race in the grassy area located by the basketball...

$59 FOR 30 DAYS!!!!

That’s right all, it’s April so we are already starting to think about the triple digit, dog days of summer here in AZ – what better time to hole up in an industrial gym with the barest of amenities and go for broke getting yourself bootylicious!...

1st Infernal HH!! This Friday, 4/11, 7 pm

It’s official, we are going to attempt to congregate outside the box and be social without constant talk of wods and PRs and times and other such nonsense! (As if that’s possible).        Here are the details! Date: Friday, April 11 Time: 7 pm (have to let...

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