Thursday, November 6th

CrossFit/Performance A1. RDL @ 32X1; 4-6 x 4/90sec rest. A2. Seated DB Shouder Press 8-10 x 4/90sec rest. + 4 sets @ high Effort… 200m row, 10 KB Swings (35/53), 10 Wall balls (14/20), 10 Burpee’s. rest walk 3:00 *Record time each round. Thursday, November...

Friday, November 7th

CrossFit/Performance A1. Wt’d Pull ups OR Eccentric Pull ups (4sec down) 3,3,3,3/60sec rest. A2. Partner GHD Raises 10,10,10,10/90sec rest. + 3 rounds for time of… Run 200 meters, 50 Air Squats, Run 200 meters, 50 Jump Pull ups, Run 200 meters, 50 Sit-ups....

Saturday, November 8th

7am to 9am: CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting. 9am: Team Wod. 10am: Jump Rope Seminar with RX ropes & Elizabeth Akinwale!!! Saturday, November 8th was last modified: November 2nd, 2014 by...

Monday, Oct 27th

Crossfit/Performance A. Back Squat; @50X1; 5×5/90 sec. rest. B. Strict Chin-up Clusters 2.2.2 x 5/2:00 rest (rest 10 sec. rest b/t cluster reps) + 75 Reps for time… Shoulder to Over head (65/95) (scale as needed) 2 burpees every 30 seconds. Note: start with...

Tuesday, Oct 28th

CrossFit/Performance 10min AMRAP @ sustainable pace… Run 200m, 10 Ring Rows, 15 Air Squats. rest 4:00. 10min AMRAP @ sustainable pace… 10 Slam Balls (15/20), 1 Rope Climb, 50ft Farmer Carry (#heavy). rest 4:00. 10min AMRAP @ sustainable pace… 200m...

Wednesday, October 29th

Crossfit/Performance A. Hang Power Clean 3,3,3,3,3- stat @ 55%-build to a tough tng /90sec rest B. Db Chest Press @3010; 10,8,6,4/ 90sec rest + 3 sets each for reps: 3 min clock 400m Run amrap Wall ball Shots 14/20# rest walk 3:00 Wednesday, October 29th was last...

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