Wednesday, October 22nd

CrossFit/Performance: A1. Sumo Good Mornings @ 3210; 8 x 4/30sec rest. A2. Wt’d Pull-ups; Strict 3-5 x 4/2:00 rest. Modify with Eccentric Pull-ups or Ring Rows 8-10 reps if needed. + 12 sets of… 30sec Row for calories, 30sec rest, 30sec FLR from the floor/rings. 30sec...

Thursday, October 23rd

CrossFit/Performance: A. Seated DB Press @ 2012; 8 x 4/1 min. rest, B. Ring Isometric Holds 15-20sec.x 4/2:00 rest(hold chest to rings). + “Elizebeth” 21-15-9 Clean (95/135), Ring Dips. Thursday, October 23rd was last modified: October 19th, 2014 by...

Friday, October 24th

CrossFit/Performance: A. Hang Power Clean EMOM 3 TNG reps for 8 minutes. Build each set between 60-80%. + 3 rounds for time… 400M Run, 20 Ball Slams (15/20), 5 Wall Walks, 3 Rope Climbs. Friday, October 24th was last modified: October 19th, 2014 by...

Saturday, October 25th

7am to 9am: CrossFit Weightlifting. 9am: CrossFit Team Wod. Saturday, October 25th was last modified: October 19th, 2014 by...

Monday, Oct 13th

CROSSFIT/PERFORMANCE A. Back Squat; Find 10RM; Rest 4:00 then repeat with 10% less on the bar / 90sec rest B. Strict Chin Ups Clusters 3.3.3 x 4/ 2:00 rest (rest 10sec between ea 3 reps) + 10 rds AFAP (AS FAST AS POSSIBLE ) 5 KBS 5 Burpees Monday, Oct 13th was last...

Tuesday, Oct 14th

CROSSFIT/PERFORMANCE 10min AMRAP TGU @ #moderate load rest 4:00 10min AMRAP @ sustainable pace 200m Row 10 Slam Balls 10 Push ups 3 Box Jumps 24/30 rest 4:00 10min AMRAP @sustainable pace 200m Run 10 OH Walking lunges #moderate load 10 Hollow Rocks 1 Rope Climb...

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