Wednesday, Oct 15th

CROSSFIT/PERFORMANCE A. CleanGrip DL x 2 + Hang Power Clean x 2 [2.2 x5sets] every 90sec #use moderate laod to support good mechanics) B1. RDL @ 41X1; 5,5,5/ 1min rest B2. Db Chest Press @3010; 10,8,6,4/ 90sec rest + For time 300m Row 30 Sumo DL High Pulls 30 Push...

Thursday, Oct 16th

CROSSFIT/PERFROMANCE A. Paused OHS(3sec pause at bottom) 3,3,3,3/ 2:00 — building so last 2 sets are tough B. HSPU complete 30 any way…Ecc, Deficit, Strict , Kipping– based on skill level + 3 sets ea for time 10 Front Squat # 75/115 15 Ghd Si tups or...

Friday, Oct 17th

CROSSFIT/PERFORMANCE A1. Close grip Bench Press@3010; 3-4 x 4/60sec A2. KBS 15,15,15,15, /2:00 rest + 500m Row/ 3:00 rest x 4 –show negative splits Friday, Oct 17th was last modified: October 12th, 2014 by...

Saturday, Oct 18th

Crossfit – Team WOD 9am Infernal Weightlifting 7am-9am Saturday, Oct 18th was last modified: October 12th, 2014 by...

Monday, October 6th

CrossFit/Performance A1. Back Squat @ 30X1; 8,6,4,4/60sec rest–building each set. A2. Strict Pull ups 6-10 x 4/2:00 rest. + 3 Sets for total reps/calories… 1min Max Wall Balls (14/20), 1min Max calories on Rower, 1min Max HR Push ups. Rest 3:00. *record...

Tuesday, October 7th

CrossFit/Performance A. Dead-lift 2 reps every 30 sec. @ 55% of 1RM x 10 sets. B. HSPU 3 EMOM for 8 minutes (Strict or Kipping). + For time… 25 Burpees, 400m Run, 25 Burpees, 400m Run. Tuesday, October 7th was last modified: October 5th, 2014 by...

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